''I stole this piece ''
21st of May 19:30
Bio Paradís
Sal 2
Duration: 01:30:00
´´Lesser artists borrow; great artists steal´´
Pablo Picasso
With that said, the theme for the
evening is “I stole this piece ’’.
The main topic is body.
7 artists have been invited and
challenged to select already existing
art works from modernism/
postmodernism, openly steal them and
make them into theirs.
Anete Tambaka (LV)
Vikram Pradhan (IN/IS)
Wiola Ujazdowska (PL/IS)
Sturla Sigurðarson (IS)
Renāte Feizaka (LV/IS)
Yelena Arakelow (CH/IS)
Sunneva Ása Weisshappel (IS)
Event curated by Klāvs Liepiņš
Duration: 00:03:49
Year: 2021
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Tālivaldis Tālis Āboltiņš
Jana Jacuka, Nauris Miķelis Goba
Līga Ūbele ,Sabīne Neilande, Ksenija Simanova, Dana
Zvonarjova, Ieva Beatrise Vilkauša, Laura Gorodko,
Laura Kušķe, Linda Kalniņa, Āris Matesovičs, Kristaps
Pelēkais, Ivars Karelis
GAFFER: Toms Ločmelis, Otomārs Bērziņš
FIRST ASSSITANT CAMERA: Marika Šengelija, Andris Kudors
MAKE UP ARTIST: Jūlija Krasta
EDIT: Anete Tambaka
MUSIC: Rūdolfs Pēteris Rubenis
NIGHT HAG is a mythological creature in Latvian
folklore who is the soul of a murdered person
cursed to live in this world. The creature tends
to wander around at night and strangle cattle and
people in their sleep.
Name of the artists and the work
I “ stole”: Meredith Monk’s “Quarry”
Anete Tambaka (LV)
My name is Anete Tambaka and I am a contemporary dance choreographer, teacher and dancer who has studied contemporary dance for 8 years in
Latvia, Iceland and Sweden. In Contemporary dance art I have earned
one of the first master’s degrees in Latvia. In addition to my
academic achievements, I have gained experience in art workshops,
performances, residences abroad, TV shows, choreography, and dance
teaching lessons internationally in Latvia, Lithuania, Great Britain,
Norway, Ukraine, Spain, Belgium, and Portugal.
The strongest passion
of mine has been making movies about human movement and dance. I have
always been interested in researching and creating works related to
the art of dance and film. Which has led me to take part in several
film projects as a choreographer, a dancer, and a director.

Dō shita no (What is the matter?)
Duration: 00:10:00
Year: 2021
Short film by Vikram Pradhan
Performance: Elisabeth Nienhuis
Assistant Director of Photography: Maya Adamska
Set Design & Art Director: Sturla Sigrðrsn
Music: Vikram Pradhan, Nine Inch Nails
This work is an inquiry into the world of
Gutai. Founded by the visionary artist
Yoshihara Jirō in 1954, the Gutai group
was legendary in its own time. Its young
members explored new art forms combining
performance, painting, and interactive
environments, and realized an
“international common ground” of
experimental art through the worldwide
reach of their exhibition and publication
Name of the artists and the work I “ stole”:
Gutai Group, Gutai Art Movement, various
Vikram Pradhan (IS/IN)
Born in India and currently based in Iceland, I work with various
mediums in the field of visuals to create pataphysical works and
works revolving around psychology as well. My practice currently
revolves around researching on speculative design and pataphysics,
and is highly based on experimentations. My work has been developed
in India and now I am currently in Iceland for my Masters in

52°35’N 19°09’E
Duration: 00:10:48
Year: 2021
Short Film by Wiola Ujazdowska
Apperance in the movie: Pola & Ania - tattoo artists
from Aura Reykjavik Studio
Camera and editing: Ragnhildur Asvaldsdottir
“80064” by Artur Żmijewski is one of the most
controversial work created in beginning of 2000’
where artist asked a previous Auschwitz prisoner to
renew his camp number tattoo - this action supposed
to be what author called “time machine of trauma”.
52°35’N 19°09’E is a deconstruction of mentioned
video art - first of all the artist is using her own
body and time travels through the action of
tattooing to her own body trauma as well in original
piece by Żmijewski a tattoo artists is invisible
here Ania and Pola tattoo artists are an active
participants and story tellers. Girls while doing a
tattoo are sharing their experience of sexual abuses
and misuses that are a part of daily life in Poland
- a country of their origins.
The title of the work is a geographical coordinates
of a summer house near the lake in central Poland
where an author experienced sexual violence.
Name of the artists and the work I “ stole”:
Artur Żmijewski “80064”, 2004
Wiola Ujazdowska (IS/PL)
Wiola Ujazdowska is an artist, performer and curator working in Poland andIceland.She holds M.A in Art Theory from Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Polandwhere she also studied Painting at Department of Fine Arts.2012-2013 she studied in CICS, Cologne, Germany. Since 2014 she lives inReykjavik. Her works have been shown in U.S.A, Portugal, Germany, Poland,Slovakia, Iceland.As artists she is researching links between culture, nature and how identityand belonging is being form and transform.She is especially interested into an origins of duality “us- other” andprocesses of “othering”.Wiola is active in fight with xenophobia and for rights of temporaryindustrial and service workers.Short Film by Wiola UjazdowskaApperance in the movie: Pola & Ania - tattoo artistsfrom Aura Reykjavik StudioCamera and editing: Ragnhildur Asvaldsdottir

A Study of Two Figures in Video
Duration: 00:09:10
Year: 2021
Short Film by Sturla Sigurðarson
Written by Sturla Sigurðarson & Ólafur Björn Tómasson
Director of Photography & Editing: Vikram Pradham
Actors: Ólafur Björn Tómasson, Óttarr Proppé
Production Assistant: Atli Þór Kristinnson
A short film inspired by Francis Bacon and
how Francis Bacon Inspired David Lynch. With
stolen visuals which Francis Bacon used in
his paintings and David Lynch later used in
his films. And Now are being used for the
short film “A Study of Two Figures in Video”
Name of the artists and the work I“stole”:
Francis Bacon & David Lynch.
Sturla Sigurðarson (IS)
Sturla Sigurðarson is a Reykjavík-based artist. He
studies painting at the Reykjavík School of Visual
Arts and plays rock and roll in bands such as
Brött Brekka and Bucking Fastards.

The Present
Duration: 00:04:29
Year: 2021
Short Film by Renāte Feizaka
Performance: Renāte Feizaka, Baiba Vanaga ,
Íris Ann Sigurðardóttir, Clare Aimée
Sound: Hannes Már Hávarðarsson
Special thanks: Valdemar Árni Guðmundsson
Four women experience an emotional
short-circuit. They embrace the
limit of the self and relieve the
pressure of an emotional labor of
the mundane.The theme of the work,
forgiveness, is communicated
throughout the work.
Name of the artists and the work I
“ stole”: Eija-Liisa Ahtila
Renāte Feizaka (IS/LV)
Renāte Feizaka (b. 1987) is a Latvian visual artist that mostly
works in sculpture and video. She holds a BA from IUA Fine Arts
department and has been an active participant in art shows in
Iceland where she lives and works.
While often finding inspiration in personal experiences,
there is still a desire in my practice to erode the distinction
between myself and the viewer. My work spans the autobiographical
and historical, and humour almost always plays a role. Thus,
while myself is almost always featured as a performer in the
work, I like to distance my own personality from the piece by
playing a “character”.

in the middle of your sternum
Duration: 00:06:48
Year: 2021
A short film by Yelena Arakelow
Dancers: Mathilde Mensink and Yelena Arakelow
Camera and Edit: Vikram Pradhan
Text: Yelena Arakelow
Special thanks: Maja Adamska, King og Bong and
'in the middle of your sternum' is a short
dance film about a physical exercise
created by Eugenio Barba in 1972. A remake
in the year of 2021 by a female
choreographer and two female dancers.
Perhaps its time to reconsider our daily
disciplined routines...
Name of the artists and the work I “
stole”: Eugenio Barba, 'Physical Training' 1972
Yelena Arakelow (IS/CH)
Yelena Arakelow (b. 1993, Zürich, Switzerland) is a dance artist living
and working in Reykjavik, Iceland. Her work focuses on the mobility of
dance art, is structured by taping corners and corporal sustainability.
During her career, Yelena has worked in interdisciplinary collaboration
and exhibited as well as performed widely, both in Iceland and abroad.
Her latest work, co-produced by Dansverkstæðið was exhibited in the
group show „á og í ;" at Listasafn Reykjanesbæjar. Currently she is
working as a dancer for Steinunn Ketilsdóttir.
Yelena graduated with a BA degree in Contemporary Dance from the
Iceland University of the Arts in 2018, graduated from Copenhagen
Contemporary Dance School in 2015 and from the art department of
Atelierschule Zürich in 2013. For seven years she trained with Kinder
Zirkus Robinson, a children's and youth circus traveling within

Duration: 00:10:00
Year: 2021
Short film by Sunneva Ása Weisshappel
Camera: Anni Ólafsdóttir and Baltasar Breki Samper
Artistic assistance: Karen Briem and Nanna M. B. S
The work Self-painting is dedicated to the Austrian
artist Günter Brus and his influence on art today.
His aggressively presented Actionism intentionally
disregarded conventions and taboos I connect with
strongly in my approach to performance art.
Innovatively I remade his performance work
Selbestemalung II from 1964 to shed light on his
work and his fight against fascism which is still a
problem today.
Name of the artists and the work I “
Günter Brus, Selbestemalung II, 1964
Sunneva Ása Weisshappel (IS)
Sunneva Ása Weisshappel graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degreein Fine Arts from the Iceland University of the Arts, spring 2013and is now starting her MFA in Fine Arts at Goldsmith Universityin London.She works in various different mediums; painting, installation,performance and video art. Along with fine art, she has worked intheatre and film as production designer, set and costumedesigner.